Jumpy the Rabbit

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Story: Jumpy lives on the fictional planet Atheral that is a peaceful planet before Dr. Adam another rabbit found out about the five mythical gems that can destroy Atheral. Can you defeat Dr. Adam and save Atheral?

This is just a test to see if people like it. Please tell me if there are any glitches that I did not find if you see any :)

Hint for the code: Mikey123 in numbers (example: A=1 and Z=26 and 1 is still 1)


Last Updated: September 21, 2022

- Fixed a glitch on the secret level that would only play a certain song if you tapped the one above or below it



March 31, 2016

Your first screenshot shows a whole load of levels, but I can only play level 1 and I can't finish it. What is the secret level?

March 31, 2016

The secret levels has the music for the other levels that are going to be in the game and you can go to the thing where you can enter the code on the start screen but it is hard to see and I have to change it in a update.

March 30, 2016

Reminds me of sonic 06, buggy and unpolished before uploading

March 30, 2016

Good progress from your old version! However, I agree with @LinkgoGames. It's a bit too early since there isn't really anything to do yet and the level is too incomplete.

I also agree that the screen is zoomed in too much. It doesn't give you enough space to really figure out where you're trying to go.

March 30, 2016

It's too early for the Hub, in my opinion. The first level isn't even finished, and there isn't much to do... Also, the screen is too zoomed in, I'd suggest moving the camera out a bit so you can see more around you. Jumpy's controls are pretty good, though. Great start, keep up the good work!

March 30, 2016

Ok thank you :)

March 30, 2016

I'm confused. I was in the first level and found an invisible wall, it then when's up over it and was on a weird curved grass thing. I went past that and walked off the edge. I tried again and found a blue triangle under the curve which doesn't do anything... What am I supposed to be doing here?

March 30, 2016

I put a invisible wall in the start so you don't go over the edge on the left but, the blue triangle is supposed to be a gem but I forgot to make the gem counter. The level isn't finished yet but I'm still working on it :)