Jumpy Guy

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You are Henry... Flight director of the Floranza... Your ship was HIT by falling debris... You fall in a life pod down to a mysterious moon orbiting Delta-01. You must escape using ancient alien teleporters.


Last Updated: September 21, 2022


New Menu!

New Backround!

Levels Edited!

Summer Rules!

Play the New Update!



May 15, 2016

You let me know should I

Reply 1 to: Keep me working on this game

Reply 2 to: make a new game

If you replied 2 then

Type A: Horror

Type B: Adventure

Type C: Puzzle

Thank you for participating....

May 15, 2016

Well. I'm not good with 2D games. I'm pretty sure I'd be able to make 3D games better.

May 13, 2016

It looks alright but it needs more of a challenge and the players collisions are really bad.

May 11, 2016

The gaphics are way better! Now all you need to work on is the collisions, whatever you have planned, and expanding the amount of levels. But I'd also suggest getting rid of the some of the gaps between different objects, and the screen. Some just seem to close not to be touching it.

May 11, 2016



May 10, 2016

Error Comment not posted-

May 08, 2016

The hit box is too big for the character you play as

May 08, 2016



May 08, 2016

Also, I will add music soon I just need sometime I'll add it in a few updates from now...

May 08, 2016

I put a lot of effort and I was trying to take screenshots but it said the image was too big or too small. So I'll try to get a screenshot but Jumpy Guy has a long time before it's finished.

May 09, 2016

Screenshots must be 1024x768 or 2048x1536 pixels. If you press the home button + powerbutton on your ipad it will take a usable screenshot. If you're on iPad Pro there is a bug where the screenshots are much bigger and the hub doesn't support those (yet).

May 10, 2016

That's what I have been doing I have the iPad mini... Is that a problem?

May 10, 2016

Get the app Image Size. It lets you manipulate images in your photo album to different sizes. Also, I have an iPad mini and the sizes of the pictures don't come out correct for me either.

May 10, 2016

Nope that should be fine. Want to send the images to us at contact@hyperpad.com. I can see what's going on, and maybe try adding them for you.

May 10, 2016

The app Image Size lets you edit it in a few seconds. It's really convenient. But thanks!

I know that I used to actaully ship it to my computer by sending it to my own email and then editing it on paint, but that seems and always has seemed like a way to lengthy and annoying process.

@Murtaza I sent the team an email but I think I forgot to attatch the link again.

May 08, 2016

Had a chance to play it. Graphics are pretty nice! Did you make them your self? Definitely worth showing these off in the screenshots. Would build some interest :).

I think the character moves a bit too fast compared to the animation, so it gives the sensation that the player slides around a bit. If you speed up the animation, or slow down the movement it should help make this look better.

Gameplay wise, it's a good start! I look forward to seeing more. I think some platform style puzzles would really make this fun. Also check out the Passable Platform behaviour, it makes your platforms passable from the bottom so the player can jump through them.

May 07, 2016

I tried showing game play but it just wouldn't agree the menu is the only thing that is possible for me show you guys...

Also @Mlkpad14 thanks this took a lot of brain storming for an 11 year old

May 08, 2016

I'm actaully 12. It really doesn't matter how old you are! Your effort is the limit!

May 07, 2016

Good start!


Collisions: you should go over the collisions. A lot of the collision boundaries objects have don't really fit them.

Graphics: Amazing graphics, but sadly, they don't fit well together. You have the detailed background, and then you have empty objects! They just don't match. Please keep the amazing background though lol 😗😗. Also the gaps aren't very accurate...

Well, please work on it! Good luck!

May 07, 2016

@Murtaza Thanks for the tip this games is a work in progress but I guess I could try to take better screenshots.

May 07, 2016

I haven't played your game yet. But a small tip, I would suggest putting some up some good screenshots. Screenshots are what make people interest in your project, and make it more likely for them to play.

For example: If you had some good screenshots, I would be much more encouraged to grab my iPad and play your game.

Just take a look at how most people browse the App Store. First they look at the icon and name of the app. If it looks interesting then they click it. Then they look at the screenshots. If they're nice, the chance of actually downloading the game is much higher.

Right now your screenshot is simply the name of your game.. Not very interesting.